Tuesday, January 29

Gone Fishing: Back in a Week

Sorry folks, my arm is acting up.  I have to give it a complete rest, I think a week should do it. (cross fingers)

Good writing! See you in a week.


  1. Have fun, Ms. Woodward, and stretched line. ^^

  2. Plenty of time to read (lemons into lemonade).

    1. Yes!! I'm taking full advantage. I've lined up several books I wanted to read but never had the time.

  3. Hope you feel better Karen- your comments and advice will be missed. Get better. Rest is the only cure for overwork, y'know.

    1. Thanks Desmond! And it is only for a week. My arm feels oh-so-much better having rested it for two days. It feels very weird not blogging every day.

  4. Hope you feel better soon, Karen. Seems to be a lot of that going around. Must be the weather. :(

    1. Could be, could be. Also, it was me making some very silly and not-at-all ergonomic choices. I have banished my glorified self-desk and stuffed a full sized one into the closet.

      If I have anything at all to say about it I'm NOT doing this again! Nerve pain is SO not fun.

      As always, thanks for the comment Jamie! :)


Because of the number of bots leaving spam I had to prevent anonymous posting. My apologies. I do appreciate each and every comment.