Chuck Wendig has issued another Flash Fiction Challenge, but he's mixing it up!
The Challenge
This time the challenge is to generate 10 or so random sentences from this random sentence generator and use one in a story of up to 1,000 words.
Be sure to let everyone know what your random sentence was!
When you're done, post it on your webspace and leave a link in a comment to Chuck's post: Flash Fiction Challenge: Choose Your Random Sentence. Your tale must be finished and the link posted by Friday, March 15th, noon EST.
Fun With Randomness
Get ready for crazy, nonsensical, sentences. It's great! Here are some of the ones I generated:
Can the year nose?When I saw the last sentence all sorts of light bulbs went off. First thought: An ancient scientist turns away from his latest creation, but as he does it becomes self-aware and attempts to escape.
The hook objects to the war. (A pacifist Captain Hook?)
The teenager lurks next to the centered chestnut.
How can the touch flash? (Someone faster than Flash Gordon?)
The exciting weapon revolts behind the inventor.
Or something.
What sentence(s) did you generate?
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Photo link: "_IGP5461 | 70" by Ben Fredericson (xjrlokix) under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.