
Tuesday, June 26

Jack Kerouac: FEELING is what I like in art, not CRAFTINESS

I couldn't resist sharing this quotation from Jack Kerouac with you:
And be sure of this, I spent my entire youth writing slowly with revisions and endless rehashing speculation and deleting and got so I was writing one sentence a day and the sentence had no FEELING. Goddamn it, FEELING is what I like in art, not CRAFTINESS ....
I thought of Dean Wesley Smith when I read that! If you're curious, here's what Dean has to say about rewriting:

Rewriting, Part One
Rewriting, Part Two

In any case, it's an excellent interview, I'd encourage you to read it: Jack Kerouac, The Art of Fiction No. 41.

Photo credit: The Eye Of Faith


  1. "I thought of Dean Wesley Smith when I read that!"
    I thought of Dean Wesley Smith,
    I even thought of old Dean Wesley Smith, the father we never found,
    I thought of Dean Wesley Smith,
    I thought of Dean W-e-s-l-e-y S-m-i-t-h.

    1. I hear the snapping of fingers and the flick of bic lighters as the fragrant smoke of cigarettes swirls through me.


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