
Saturday, June 16

Authors File Class Action Lawsuit Against PublishAmerica

Finally! PublishAmerica has been scamming authors out of their hard earned dollars for too many years. If you haven't heard about the shenanigans of PublishAmerica, take a gander at what Writer Beware has to say.

The Great PublishAmerica Hoax:
Writer Beware has received scores of complaints over the years about PublishAmerica, and hundreds more can be found online. The company has been the subject of at least one successful arbitration proceeding, resulting in a substantial award for a PA author.

On June 11, 2012, a class action complaint against PublishAmerica was filed in US District Court in Maryland, in the name of three plaintiffs. See Writer Beware’s blog for more.

This information is current as of the update date at the top of the page. Writer Beware receives complaints, advisories, reports, and/or questions about PublishAmerica at least monthly.
My advice: Don't even think about sending your work to PublishingAmerica. Few things in life are guaranteed, but if you send your work to PublishAmerica you're sending it into painful obscurity.

Here's part of the introduction to the complaint in the class action lawsuit:
Like plaintiffs, thousands of other aspiring authors who signed up with PublishAmerica have become demoralized because the publishing contract appears to be little more than a pretext for selling dubious services...These authors also feel trapped because PublishAmerica owns the rights to their books for seven to ten years. This presents a Hobson's choice for the authors: either throw good money after bad for suspect promotional services or abandon the book that was a labor of love.
Read the rest here: Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against PublishAmerica.

Writer Beware will keep on top of this issue, and I'll provide updates as I receive them.


  1. Never really heard of them before, but I looked up some stuff after seeing this. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. My pleasure! I'm amazed that PublishAmerica has been able to stay in business this long.

  3. I want to know how to get added....If you search my book.."Galaxy Zoo". You will find it for sale, used in many areas of the globe. But I am continuously told there are no royalties? I have a copy of every scam email ever sent to me by this company. You can also read my comment about Publish America under this novel in the si/fi label of my website.
    Cindy Sprigg

    1. Hi Cindy, my heart goes out to the authors caught in PublishAmerica's web. The contact information can be found at the end of this article:

      I've copied and pasted it here:

      Authors who believe they may qualify as part of the proposed class may contact Hagens Berman by calling (206) 623-7292 or by emailing the firm at You can also contact the firm online by clicking here:

      Hope that helps!

    2. Cindy, I have been in contact with Hagens & Berman and the investigator told me to copy all of my emails onto a cd or flashdrive and keep it offsite. My advise is that you do likewise. I too have kept every bit of correspondence, as it relates to my book, from PA. If you wish to vent to a fellow disillusioned author, feel free to contact me at

    3. I have a book published by Publish America as well, my book is "Hell's Gates Wide Open - Judgement Day by: Wayne Hoss and it has sold THOUSANDS of copies, yet they refuse to pay me. In over a year and a half I have not received one cent, they even had the nerve to make me beg for my check (I kept that email) I strongly suggest that EVERYONE sends a letter or email to Barnes & Nobles web site as well as and ALL other sellers asking them to quit selling ALL Publish America books


Because of the number of bots leaving spam I had to prevent anonymous posting. My apologies. I do appreciate each and every comment.