
Tuesday, September 20

Why Should A Writer Blog?

Do you want to write a book or even an article or essay, but feel stressed out and self-conscious when you think about the fact that your writing will be read by others? Does this reduce your creativity and leave you feeling blocked and unable to write? Try blogging.
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Blogging provides a format that actually can reduce the amount of writer’s block produced by fear of exposing your work to the world. In the process, your productivity will increase.
- Improve Writing Creativity and Productivity by Blogging
This is exactly what I was trying to express yesterday, in an email to a fellow writer. I find that I'm less nervous about sharing my writing since I've been blogging and I hope that will help me write more since I'll spend less time wringing my hands, wondering what other folks will think of my prose.
Yes, when you blog you do show your work to the whole Internet community, but, in truth, for most newbie bloggers this really is not something to fear.
When you begin blogging—or even blogging a book, you typically don’t have any readers. If you don’t tell anyone about your blog, surely no one will find it right away. This allows you to get your cyberspace legs. You can test out your blog voice and your idea before anyone even shows up to read your first post in most cases. You can even delete the first posts if you don’t like them and start over and in many cases no one will have read them yet.
When I read this I got excited, because this is exactly what I did! (Yes, a few of my early blog posts have gone to the great blog in the sky.) But, more, it's how I thought of it. I wasn't using Google Analytics in the beginning so I had no idea whether anyone was reading what I wrote -- and I suspect no one was. But it gave me a platform for my writing, it got me writing to a schedule and it helped me build up a few articles so that when folks did eventually come by and take a peek, there was something for them to look at.
Blogging ... helps you move through fear (writer’s block), thus freeing up your creative flow so you  can write more easily, produce a manuscript more quickly and get your work read at the same time.
The quotations I've used are all from this post: Improve Writing Creativity and Productivity by Blogging

Edit: Almost forgot! I came across this link when I read The Passive Voice blog. I read PG's blog every day and I highly recommend it! :-)


  1. I agree with you 100% Since I started my blog, it has helped tremendously with writer's block. Plus, you find a way to connect with readers on a more immediate level. Good Job!

    BTW, almost done with "Until Death"...waiting for your sequel. Just remember, don't "short change" yourself. :))

  2. lol 'Short change' hehe. Thanks for your comment Jeffrey, I got all excited when I read the post "Improving writing ..." because it was close to my own experience and I think it's so cool (I know, "cool", what am I, 12?) that it spoke to you as well.

    About my pricing model, I know you're teasing me, but I've been thinking of putting my next book up for 0.99 cents and then, when the third and final book of the series is done, keeping the first book at 99 cents but raising the price for the rest to 2.99, Amanda Hocking style. *shrug* It's an idea.

    By the way, if you want a free advance copy of the next book in my Death series, In Death, let me know! :) The catch is that I'd ask you to write a review. This isn't a big deal and I'd only ask you to write your honest impressions, whatever they may be. Let me know if you'd be interested. :) (mail at karenwoodward dot org)

  3. Interesting post. I agree that the more you write, the more comfortable you'll get. When you're new to writing for a mass audience, it can be intimidating.
    Committing to writing a blog can help you with the discipline you'll need to make a living as a writer.
    This is a great time to write. I started writing for newspapers before blogging was the thing to do. Your mistake appeared in print the next morning for the whole world to see.
    Now if you spot an error after pressing publish, you can go back and fix it.
    Thanks for the post.

  4. Thanks for the comment, Pedro. I appreciate getting the perspective of a seasoned writer, such as yourself. As for being able to fix a mistake and republish ones blog: priceless! I've taken advantage of that little feature often, but probably not often enough! ;)

  5. The fluidity of the web is wonderful. I personally write too fast and edit too infrequently for my own good. I benefit from the ability to edit-update almost daily. But as you say, Karen, I make use of the opportunity afforded to me to change far less often than I should.

    There is always tomorrow's post to write and so much else, too.

  6. I'm a big fan of Dean Wesley Smith's blog, and what he says about the benefits of writing fast has me convinced that's the way to go. Of course we get better over time, and we need a trusted reader or two to give us feedback, but (all things being equal) the more stories we can publish, the better off we'll be financially.

    I hope that doesn't make me sound overly focused on money, but I do love the idea of being able to pay the rent AND eat. ;)

  7. Nothing wrong with getting paid. Getting paid for something you love to do? Just Like getting paid twice.


Because of the number of bots leaving spam I had to prevent anonymous posting. My apologies. I do appreciate each and every comment.